Tree Trail


In the height of summer we are surrounded by a menagerie of beautiful, colourful and diverse wildlife. Join us for a bug or leaf scavenger hunt!


Session Outline

Children’s Lubbock tree trail 10 – 11am 7th August:

A leisurely walk-and-talk with the ranger to hear about the very special trees found at High Elms on the Lubbock Tree Trail. Come and see mystical maples, proud pines, yawning yews and one of the tallest kinds of tree in the world—the giant redwood. Learn what they look like, where they come from, and what makes them grow how they do.

Lubbock tree trail 1 – 2:30pm 7th August and 10 – 11:30am 11th August:

Come for a tree talk with the Biodiversity Advisor following the Lubbock Tree Trail around High Elms and discover the fascinating history and ecology of the Country Park’s most spectacular trees. Learn how to recognise the Turkey Oak apart from the English Oak, how the European larch listens to the movement of the season, and hear about the extraordinary feats the Giant Redwood has to overcome in order to be one of the tallest tree species in the world. A tree’s entire life story is written in its structure for those who know how to read it!


Session Date and time;

Where: BEECHE education building; High Elms Country Park

7th of August 10:00-11:00 £3 Children Event (Ages 5 and above)

7th of August 13:00-14:30 £3 Adult Event (Ages 16 and above)

11th of August 10:00-11:30 £3 Adult Event (Ages 16 and above)


Session Price;

£3 per participant


Directions and Parking

This event takes place in the Darwin Room of the nature center BEECHE. To access the room go round to the back of the building and down the boardwalk on your left.

Buses that pass near the centre are the R8 and the 358 (a short walk from Farnborough).

The main car park at High Elms is located on High Elms Road (near Shire Lane). You can follow the Brown Highway signs for High Elms Country Park.

The main car park can get very busy. If it is full there is another unsurfaced carpark called Cuckoo Wood car park a mile down High Elms Road towards Downe – you can walk back through High Elms Country Park towards the centre but bear in mind this walk does take around 30 minutes.

Blue badge parking is available in front of BEECHE. To access this please access the park using the entrance off Shire Lane which is marked for deliveries and staff. At the cross roads turn left up the slope and you will see the BEECHE building at the top of the slope. Please be aware this entrance and car park is only for Blue Badge holders.

Other Information

The session will take place inside and outside. Please wear suitable clothing and footwear for all weathers. For more information contact the BEECHE office on 01689860571 or email



Additional information


7th of August 10:00-11:00 Children 5+, 7th of August 13:00-14:30 Adult, 11th of August 10:00-11:30 Adult