Proud to be delivering on our commitment to look after your environment and enhance green spaces for the people and wildlife in Bromley.
Proud to be delivering on our commitment to look after your environment and enhance green spaces for the people and wildlife in Bromley.
The Council is rightly proud of its custodianship of 7000 acres of green space on behalf of Bromley’s 300,000 residents. Involving local people in maintaining and developing these green spaces has always been central to the Council’s approach, so for over 25 years, the Council has supported and encouraged communities to collaborate in the management of their green space.
idverde UK is commissioned to deliver Bromley’s Parks and Greenspace Service. A Key performance Indicator (KPI) is the introduction of the overall strategy for the service with a number of supporting annual plans that provide focus on a number of service specific plans and strategies.
Our terms and conditions can be found here
We are the biggest and greenest borough in London. So no matter what the season, or the weather, a great show is always put on.