Join us for school visit exploring the wonderful outside at High Elms Country Park, following the national curriculum and allowing learning in a fun practical way! With our passionate and enthusiastic educators encouraging all levels and ages to jump in and have a wild day with us! All instructors are enhance DBS checked, qualified including SEND and environmental qualifications.



Two classrooms, toilets, wifi, electricity,  fenced of paddock area, private forest school, large tropical bug collection, all the equipment for surveying and two pond dipping platforms.


Day time table;

10:00-14:30 with a half an hour lunch in-between. For example, if you selected habitats and living things for two classes;

10:00-10:10 Arrival, both classes settling into classroom .

10:10-10:40 inside theory invertebrate classification (insects, arachnids etc) and meeting the large tropical bugs.

10:40-10:50 washing hands, toilets and quick health and safety talk

10:50-11:30 outdoor walk to our forest school and a big bug hunt, understanding how to identify different invertebrates.

11:30-11:50 brief catch up on the amazing animals they found a quick walk through the woodland heading back to our visitor centre.

11:50-12:00 wash hands and begin prepping for lunch. (lunch can be held inside if there are poor weather conditions, if the weather is nice then we have a fenced off outdoor paddock for children to eat and play.

12:00-12:30 lunch

12:30-12:40 head back to the classroom, toilets

12:40-13:10 inside theory on life cycles within the pond and change throughout the season (tadpoles metamorphosis etc)

13:10-13:20 washing hands, toilets and quick health and safety talk.

13:20-14:00 pond dipping on our platform

14:00-14:20 brief catch up on animals found within the pond and a walk through the meadow to head back to the classroom.

14:20-14:30, toilets, wash hands collect bags and head back to the coaches.

Group A would do the above timetable whilst group B would do the same in reverse, as in pond dip first and bug hunt in the afternoon.


Modules available for School Visit;

EYFS and KS1 KS2 KS3 KS4 KS5
Bear Hunt Story Time Habitats and living things Rocks and Fossils Ecosystem interactions Concepts of ecology and conservation
Bog Baby Story Time Evolution and Adaptation Ecosystems and good webs Habitat surveying and management Evolution/adaptation and mutation
Gruffalo Story Time Plant Life Cycles Map Skills and Orienteering Taxonomy identification Taxonomy identification
Habitats and Living Things Plastics and habitats Habitats and classification Mapping, Geo and orienteering Work Experience available

If there is something we are missing or other wildlife activity you would like us to cover or blend, we offer bespoke packages at no extra charge just ask us!


Prices of a School Visit;

Off peak (November to February)                                                                           On Peak (March to October)

Primary school, single session (2hour)per class: 120                                          Primary school, single session (2hour)per class: 140

double session (4 hour) per class: 185                                                                     double session (4hour)per class: 220


Secondary school, single session (2hour)per class: 135                                        Secondary school, single session (2hour)per class: 165

double session (4 hour) per class: 210                                                                      double session (4hour)per class: 245


We appreciate coaches can be expensive and getting too us may be difficult, therefore we are pleased to tell you we do outreach! As part of idverde we have access to 73 different parks and one of these may be within walking distance to you! You can find out more about our outreach here;


Feedback from teachers on School Visit;

Instructors were brilliant, super interactive with all kids and good safety tips throughout

Both instructors were friendly and talked to all the children nice and clearly.

Our first school visit to BEECHE and we will be coming back! Passionate and kind teachers who taught us and the kids so much!


Commonly asked questions for School visit;

How to book; Simple, email or call us to check date availability then include the module and number of groups, we will email you a booking form, once this is send back to us filled in and signed that’s it!

Coach Parking; We have coach parking bays on site, enough room for a maximum of two large coaches.

Wet Weather; In the event of poor weather (rain) we have two indoor classrooms which can be used and the lesson can be adapted for more inside activities such as handling our large bugs. The forest school is well sheltered due to the trees and we also have a sail to cover our pond dipping platform to allow as much time for practical activities.

School Visit Bug Hunting in our meadow 

School Visit

Pond Dipping platform, just finished our pond dipping session


Contact us;

01689 860571