We are so pleased to offer our outreach school programme with two different options;
Firstly is bringing the bugs to you! We are lucky to have such a large team of tropical bugs at BEECHE and we want to ensure we can spread the love for these little beauties. Our outreach school programme means we can bring these large bugs to you. Focusing on a specific subject of your choice, we can teach them in a fun and practical way whilst giving them the chance to get up close and personal with some beautiful bugs! This includes four main groups; insects like our stick insects, beetles and mantises, myriapods like our giant African millipedes, molluscs like our gorgeous big snails and finally our arachnids such as Willow our Curly Haired Tarantula.
Secondly we know times can be rather tricky especially to get coaches to come to us on a school visits, therefore we are pleased to offer you the chance to still have a fantastic school trip! If you have a forest school area we can come to you, or more excitingly as part of idverde we can meet you at one of our sister parks! Please see the map below to see if you are close to one of our sister sites;
Outreach modules include;
Lifecycles of animals
Habitats and living things
Evolution and adaptation
Animal identification
Outreach Prices:
1 hour session (30kids) £150
2 hour session (60kids) £280
A whole day for one class at a sister park; £300
A whole day for two classes at a sister park; £560
Feedback from our outreach programmes:
We almost had to cancel our school trip due to coach prices, however, they offered to meet us at Kelsey Park and we did a gruffalo hunt, absolutely awesome trip we will see you next year ladies.
Instructors were calm and gentle and really encouraged all the kids to get involved
Good to know:
All of our instructors and invertebrates our insured for public handling.
To book on email or call us and after you have signed and sent back a booking form that’s it, short and simple booking!

Stick insects meeting the children

Brighton our Mexican Red Knee meeting the children on outreach
Contact us:
01689 860571